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Alberto Carraro1,2, Thomas Ehrhard2,⋆, and Antonino Salibra1,⋆⋆ 1 Department of Computer S ien e, Ca' Fos ari University, Veni e 2 PPS, UMR 7126, university Paris Diderot and CNRS Abstra t. Given a semi-ring with unit whi h satis es some onditions, we de ne an exponential fun tor on the ategory of sets and relations whi h allows to de ne a denotational model of Di erential Linear Logi and of the lambdaal ulus with resour es. We show that, when the semiring has an element whi h is in nite in the sense that it is equal to its su essor, this model does not validate the Taylor formula and that it is possible to build, in the asso iated Kleisli artesian losed ategory, a model of the pure lambdaal ulus whi h is not sensible. This is a quantitative analogue of the standard graph model onstru tion in the ategory of S ott domains.